The Planned Parenthood scandal

Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of publicity about the sale of aborted foetal body parts by Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).  The reports have been shocking: PPFA literally harvests the saleable body parts, which are collected in dishes and sold to the highest bidder.  Several videos have come to light exposing the abominable practice.

If we imagine that such practices are confined to the US, however, we are sadly deluding ourselves.  PPFA is just one affiliate of a conglomerate of Planned Parenthood organisations that operate under the umbrella of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 170 countries around the world.  Since 1970, PP has been responsible for the deaths of well over 6 million unborn children in the US alone.  If you add all the babies they have aborted in the other 169 countries they have worked in, the number is likely to be in the hundreds of millions.

Atrocious as PP is, it is very lucrative business, sponsored with millions of dollars from UN agencies including UNAIDS, UN WOMEN, UNICEF and WHO.  The main source of funding, however, is from numerous governments but primarily from the US government ($75 million from Obamacare).  According to, while it ‘remains America’s biggest abortion corporation, the ‘non-profit’ continued to make money, bringing in $305.4 million last year and $305.3 this year.’  It continued to receive over a half-billion dollars in taxpayer money per year.  In 2013, abortions made up 94% of PP’s pregnancy services.  For every adoption referral, PP performed 174 abortions!

Back in Amos’ day, there were those in Israel who hated the one who upheld justice in court and detested the one who told the truth (Amos 5:10).  They oppressed the innocent and took bribes, depriving the poor of justice in the courts (v12).  In a similar vein, just a couple of weeks ago, the Los Angeles Superior Court issued a restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress, who released the incriminating videos of a PP leader discussing the sale of aborted foetuses for research.

PP believes aborted foetuses are simply a means of profit, and with the ever-strengthening pro-choice lobby on their side, let alone governments and international corporations, they are extremely powerful and influential.  Meanwhile, thousands of tiny human beings are being murdered daily.

We need to do what we can to expose and stop the abominable practice, but also we must recognise what it illustrates.  On two occasions in biblical history, Satan directed an attack on babies in an attempt to spurn God’s purposes.  The first was in Egypt, when Moses was miraculously saved and went on to see Israel free from domination by the superpower of the day.  The second was when Jesus escaped Herod’s sword, and went on to die for the sins of the world and conquer death by his glorious resurrection.  Along with other similar service providers, PP has launched a full-scale attack on the up-coming generation – the generation who will herald Jesus’ return to establish his Kingdom over all the earth.  No wonder the attack is fierce!

For more Information, see bulletins from Family Watch International - 


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